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Neverland Project by Yves Lavallette

Jul 27, 2015
Accompanying the myriad of subjects treated in recently released TLmag 23 Americans, fashion editor and photographer Yves Lavellette takes us on a journey deep into the Southwest Desert with the project titled Neverland during the first edition of the Festival Art Photo in Bourgogne – from 31 July to...
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Accompanying the myriad of subjects treated in recently released TLmag 23 Americans, fashion editor and photographer Yves Lavellette takes us on a journey deep into the Southwest Desert with the project titled Neverland during the first edition of the Festival Art Photo in Bourgogne – from 31 July to 2 August – in France. Through a keen look at fashion, he captures the story of a mother and daughter as they come into contact with the top secret Zone 51 through film and stills. New Mexico-based Zone 51, also known as Dreamland, Watertown, Le Ranch, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, the Box, Groom Lake, La Zone 51 A or Neverland, is a former US Air Force base, once used to test experimental aircraft. In August 2013, declassified documents revealed information about secret Lockheed U-21 tests. With supposed sitings of extraterrestrials, Zone 51 has frequently played into many conspiracy theories – secret links between the American military and aliens. With a return to developments in space exploration and voyages looking to colonise Mars, all of these urban-legends have resurfaced. The 1947 Roswell incident has sparked 68-years of rumours but the supposed UFO-crash remains a mystery. Are aliens really out there? Are we really the only ones out there?

Here is Yves Lavallette and his interview (in French): 


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