Aldo Bakker: Specific Objects
The Kunstraum Zug presents Specific Objects, an exhibition of pouring vessels by Aldo Bakker, which were originally presented within a larger exhibition at the Kunstmuseum The Hague, in 2022.
In an intimate exhibition at the newly established Kunstraum Zug, a spin-off of allmeinde commongrounds, a cultural initiative that was founded by Gerold and Katia Schneider in 2000 in Lech, Austria, Aldo Bakker presents a collection of pouring vessels in various sizes, shapes, materials and forms. As with much of Bakker’s work, these simple vessels hold layered and multiple uses and interpretations. As Ernst van Alpen writes in “Giving New Forms to the World” (2022): “The objects Aldo Bakker designs can be categorized as sculpture, furniture, and pouring vessels. For the last category Bakker uses the Dutch neologism schenkers. The verb ‘schenken’, in Dutch, is an ambiguous word, as it means to pour (aus-schenken, in German), but also ‘to give’. The German noun ‘schenker’, however, only refers to a person who gives, but not to a vessel that pours. But pouring is giving. That suggests that Bakker’s neologism ‘Schenker’ does not refer to run-of-the-mill vessels that pour water, oil, vinegar, or salt, but also to objects that give new forms to the world. Subsequently, also his sculptures and furniture are examples of new forms given to the world. In Bakker’s universe fascinating forms are never complex. But their lack of complexity does not mean that his forms are simple”.
The unique installation features two rows of shelving set between four central pillars in the main gallery space. Most of the vessels are displayed with different spacings between them, while other pieces are hung on the wall or placed on the floor. Bakker notes that this “horizontal gesture” of this installation, was an intentional idea designed by his studio as a way to break up the space while also providing an elegant and unexpected way of presenting the work. “The challenge rises with every new exhibition to come up with something that relates to the space in relation with our works, it should feel natural but then it’s only temporary and some of the works need a bit of protection”, Bakker explains.
On view are the vessels that were part of the exhibition Schenkers in the Kunstmuseum in The Hague, in 2022. “As we added more works alongside the decanters, it became a small retrospective, [despite the fact that} I had resolved never to do this again”, says Bakker. Count it lucky for those who pass through Lech in the coming months to be able to see such an in-depth yet poetic exhibition of the talented Dutch designer.
Specific Objects is on view through April 1, 2024.
Exhibition installation photography by Tijmen Smeulders.