Contemplating Land/Scapes with Carine Boxy
Carine Boxy makes mini landscapes from the natural material of sheepskin. TLmag talks to her about her pieces in Spazio Nobile’s Land/Scapes
TLmag:How does the landscape inspire and influence your work?
Carine Boxy: In my subconscious the landscape is always there. I am a little bit organic in the way I work and the materials I use. The series of work in Land/Scapes was inspired by the fact that I wanted for myself a carpet that is unlike any other carpet so I decided that I would do something with sheep hair and use the natural white color of the sheep. The sheepskin seemed like a kind of moonscape to me.
What drew you to work with sheepskin as a material for expression?
I like sheepskin. I am interested in their forms. They are like their own landscapes with the wool growing higher or lower in different sections and it’s different surfaces and textures. You can play a lot with it.
Could you describe the process of creating your works for Land/Scapes?Firstly, there is a lot of work that goes into selecting the skins. I source them from different countries. I try to use Belgian sheepskin where possible but to achieve what I want I also need different sheep from places like England, Tuscany, Holland, Ireland, Australia. I need the skins from different countries to make a good result.
Then I have to choose which skins sit together well. Then I start to sew them by hand. I place the skins on the ground and create a patchwork. Sometimes the skin is hard and sometimes not. There is also the need to think very carefully about where you will cut the skin as if you cut it wrong it is ruined.
How do you perceive your work as both part of Land/Scapes and as part of your creative practice?
These works are part of my larger practice which revolves around always doing new things. Sometimes I work with sheepskin but I also work with other materials and make furniture, like a sofa for example. My work is always different and it is always a lot of fun to produce.
Land/Scapes will be on display at Spazio Nobile until February 17, 2019