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Métamorformes by Sacha Walckhoff at Galerie Gosserez

Monoliths in glass, Christian Lacroix creative director Sacha Walckhoff’s Métamorformes arrive at Paris-based Galerie Gosserez as large scale totems. Combining different formal elements, these four new works are clad in shimmering black, white or gold and offer multiple levels of reflective surfaces....
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Photography by Maxime Champion

Monoliths in glass, Christian Lacroix creative director Sacha Walckhoff’s Métamorformes arrive at Paris-based Galerie Gosserez as large scale totems. Combining different formal elements, these four new works are clad in shimmering black, white or gold and offer multiple levels of reflective surfaces. According to Walckhoff, these wild anthropomorphic objects can only be tamed by holistic interiors.

Galerie Gosserez: 3, rue Debelleyme, Paris

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Métamorforme N°4
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