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Spazio Nobile at PAD London 2024

Oct 8, 2024

Spazio Nobile participates in PAD London with “Spray the Colour”, a group exhibition by select gallery artists and designers.

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Text by TLmag

For PAD London, Spazio Nobile presents a dynamic installation of furniture, objects, accessories and artwork in which colour plays an essential role. From the abstract, nature-inspired paintings on ceramic by Norwegian artist Ann Beate Tempelhaug to the actively woven cords of Jacqueline Surdell, the bold and vibrant hues of Florence Coenraets’s delicate feather pieces to the opaque vibrancy of Asa Jungelius’s stunning glass pieces, colour is a vital part of every work on view.  Coenraet will have a solo show with Spazio Nobile opening on November 21st.  In addition to different applications of colour are the use of colour on a variety of materials including wood, paper and leather, as seen in the work of Didi NG Wing Yo or Kaspar Hamacher.

“Spray the Colour” features work by Sébastien Caporusso, Pierre Charrié, Florence Coenraets, Marie Corbin, Mae Engelgeer, Éva Garcia, Garnier & Linker,
Kaspar Hamacher, Pao Hui Kao, Katherine Huskie, Åsa Jungnelius, Luis Marie, Isaac Monté, Bela Silva, Jacqueline Surdell, Ann Beate Tempelhaug,
Kiki van Eijk, Fabian von Spreckelsen, Quentin Vuong, Philipp Weber, Didi NG Wing Yin

PAD London takes place between October 8-13, 2024 at Berkeley Square. For more information visit:





Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese
Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese
Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese
Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese
Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese
Spazio Nobile, Spray the Colour, PAD London, 2024, Photo: Gabriele Abbruzzese

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