Art works with concrete by Nicolas Gutiérrez Muñoz
The Private Foundation Carrefour des Arts is an initiative to be as an contemporary art center in Brussels, Belgium. This foundation promotes exclusively the creation in the field of visual arts of young artists aged from 18 to 30 whose approach is part of a contemporary reflection. To that end, it puts workshops available to young artists and gives a monthly grant for acquisition of equipment. It promotes the recognition of young talent by exposing their creations in the gallery and Foundation exhibition venues. This years, the five residents are Nicolas Gutiérrez Muñoz, João Freitas, Eva Evrard, Alice Esposto and Jot Fau.
Brussels-based artist Nicolas Gutiérrez Muñoz is a young and emergent one. His artistic approach is the reflection on the mercantile aspect of our societies where consumption shapes our way of life and affects our conception of reality and art at the same time. Being a long time a follower of the matter, this reflection led him to use materials more and more gross. He works exclusively with the concrete, the raw material used mainly in construction. The transformation of this material was in his eyes a real artistic challenge. Moreover, the concrete gives it a multitude of possibilities. It is interesting to see that with a single element, many creative possibilities available to him.
“I want to deepen my research on concrete, pushing my thinking at its height in order to achieve new results. Art has no limits and in my opinion will never be subject to any myth. I aspire to this to use reinforced concrete over much larger areas and make a refined material.” – Nicolas Gutiérrez Muñoz
The group exhibition by the five residents from the foundation runs from 28 May to 28 June 2015 at Galerie Farber Galerij – Rue du Canal 77 – B-1000 Brussels.