Good Thing Revamped: Accessible Artefacts
Brooklyn-based collective Good Thing – launched in 2014 by industrial designer in his own right Jamie Wolfond – opens the new year with a brand new website, fresh household designs and revived collections. Rapidly expanding and gaining international attention, the manufacturing-cum-exchange platform mandates to reposition America’s acclaim by producing affordable yet ‘good designs;’ a term often associated with the Modernist era. Less dogmatic, Wolfond’s enterprise seeks-out the cutting-edge talent of promising up-starts like Sam Anderson, Visibility, Daniel Emma or Kenyon Yeh to work with a in-house production team, armed to conquer the market. A new website and art direction only makes their arsenal stronger. This month, Good Thing debuts Anderson’s bespoke Gather Vases and Yeh’s essentialist Slim Bookend. While the former employs different iterations of combined shapes to accommodate various blooms or bouquets, the latter is striped to down the bare minimum of function. Returning in new finishes is Wolfond’s own Easy Mirror.