Ceramics on site by Katrine Køster Holst at Révélations
Ceramics on site
Since earning her MA at Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen in 2006, Katrine Køster Holst (b. 1979) has held a number of solo exhibitions and participated in collective exhibitions in Norway and Denmark. Her works have been purchased by institutions such as the Nasjonalmuseet and Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum in Norway. For several years, she has been challenging and questioning the medium of ceramics. Through her profound knowledge of the material and her strong conceptual approach, she has influenced the understanding of what ceramics is and could be beyond its functional and purely aesthetic qualities. At Révélations, she will explore the ceramics medium through a site-specific installation. “Køster Holst’s work is known for its strong systematic approach which, according to the artist, gives her freedom and creates space for the unexpected to happen”, states Fleur van Muiswinkel in her essay Violently breaking the act of rationality.