Divine Design // Constructing for Religion
Bøler Church near Oslo is designed by Norwegian studio Hansen/Bjørndal Architects. It has one end buried in a hillside and the other sticking in the air and is clad in weathered bricks and copper on the exterior and timber slivered surfaces contrasting the raw bricks in the interior. Somehow the materials refer the rough weather conditions of Norway and makes a divine connection with the uncontrollable nature.
Danish design company Søren Rose Studio recently revealed their pitch for the new national chair for the Church of England. The chair is a mix of traditional shaker style and strong references to danish design from the 50’s. However the design also holds a contemporary feel to it. Among other things, the bible holder has been rethought into a modern simple design feature and all decorative details have been cut away.
The church hall of the Oasis Centre of Pastorial Care by X Architekten in Linz, Austria has a very modern graphic crystallised interior when compared to other divine spaces. The experience is so overwhelming and simple that it creates an almost transcendental atmosphere for the visitors. Posted by Sofie Brünner