Focus tl.mag #11: Colors + crafts + duos
tl.mag #11 (July-August-September 2011) will be in-stores mid-July. The summer issue will be -in line with the season- dedicated to colors/tropicality and crafts. Also, tl.mag #11 will present the collaboration of 99 iconic twosomes in design, fashion, art, photography and architecture!(Image:...
tl.mag #11 (July-August-September 2011) will be in-stores mid-July. The summer issue will be -in line with the season- dedicated to colors/tropicality and crafts. Also, tl.mag #11 will present the collaboration of 99 iconic twosomes in design, fashion, art, photography and architecture!
(Image: ‘A vos amours’ brooch by Heide Winne)

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