Silver Lining Interiors Installations at Biennale Interieur
The “Silver Lining – Interiors” theme that OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen developed for the 25th edition of the Biennale Interieur took several forms. In addition to masterplanning the galleries and circulation, OFFICE KGDVS collaborated with artist Richard Venlet and graphic designer Joris Kritis to develop the scenography and identity of the biennale.
To further celebrate this milestone, this year’s curators invited several architects and designers to create special installations in the Kortrijk Xpo. Curator Moritz Küng reprises his infamous “Schöner Wohnen”, while architect Philippe Rahm took on the theme of meteorological design. Other Swiss participants included Trix & Robert Haussmann, who created a kind of deconstructed funhouse, and STUDIOLO (Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen), who produced a publication and film.
Jonathan Olivares worked with firm Johnston Marklee to create a room for a daybed, while fellow American Jonathan Muecke created a pavilion for the lawn outside the expo center. And last but not least, Geers and Van Severen contributed their own SOLO House presentation, featuring furniture by Richard Venlet and Muller Van Severen.