The European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery
The sixth edition of the WCC•BF exhibition brings together jewellery representatives from Belgium, France and Sweden to the Grande Halle des Anciens Abattoirs
Starting tomorrow, the sixth edition of the European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery is bringing together 40 artists from Belgium, as well as guest countries France and Sweden. The event, which will take place in the Grande Halle des Anciens Abattoirs in Mons, is an initiative from the WCC•BF in partnership with the city’s Pôle muséal. “The current hybridisation of the disciplines, being specific to the contemporary and global creation, doesn’t exempt the eld of jewellery anymore,” said the WCC•BF representatives. “Far beyond its materiality, it questions its era. Being a living art, the contemporary jewel has got performance objectives.”
Some examples of this evolving, living art are Marine Dominiczak’s Medusa portrait, combining photography and jewellery, Céline Sylvestre’s installation-like Série Silhouette and Linnéa Eriksson’s Odin-worthy Connect.
The artists were picked by three commissioners, representing their respective countries: Françoise Vanderauwera for Belgium, jeweller Brune Boyer for France and Platina Gallery’s Sofia Björkman for Sweden.
Accounting for this wide-ranging variety of pieces and techniques that can today fit under the “jewellery” umbrella, Vanderauwera explained that “it has been shown that the synergies established among fashion, design, performance, photography and video have enabled this young art to emphasise its close links to the body, as well as its own specificity in this regard. Its critical, often self-reflexive nature, as well as its relational, collaborative practices and its installations, help to anchor it in the visual arts. And from the outset, involvement with art, design and craftsmanship lies at the very heart of the art form that is celebrated by this European triennial.”
The Triennial runs from October 28, 2017 until February 4, 2018