Hangar H18: Exploring artistic creation
As a part of the Brussels I Love You, from 13 to 27 February 2016, Hangar H18 has two complementary approaches to explore artistic creation with its OpenSpace and its Gallery. H18 – this new cultural center in Brussels – is to contribute to the promotion of Belgian and international design and offers a rare modular space dedicated to host a cultural program at the rate of monographic or thematic exhibitions, selected by a curatorial. The 1400 square meters is dedicated to promoting multiple disciplines and artistic and cultural expressions, which can be deployed on three floors with complementary personalities. The purpose of this center is to promote the creation, in all its forms and ramifications, its temporal connections, sociological, philosophical, economic, political and so on.
The art walk will start on Saturday the 13th of February from 3 to 8 pm at Hangar H18 (18 place du Châtelain, 1050 Brussels), with the exhibition of artist Lola Meotti presented by the tour partner Smart and has been selected by Brussels I Love You comity. From this meeting point, guided tour will be organised on Saturday 13 of February, allowing the visitors to discover the participants and their exhibitions.