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Our editor’s picks of the TLmag40:The Ideal Home online edition

Dan Graham at Micheline Szwajcer Gallery

During Brussels Art Days – 11 to 13 September – Galerie Micheline Szwajcer will feature the American artist Dan Graham with his Sculpture or Pavilion? exhibition. For fifty years, Graham has traced the symbiosis between architectural environments and their inhabitants. His work questions the...
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During Brussels Art Days – 11 to 13 September – Galerie Micheline Szwajcer will feature the American artist Dan Graham with his Sculpture or Pavilion? exhibition. For fifty years, Graham has traced the symbiosis between architectural environments and their inhabitants. His work questions the relationship between architecture and its psychological effects on us and remains as poignant today as it did in the 1970’s when he first explored issues such as “the performative”, exhibitionism, reflection, mirroring and the mundane. His work continues to investigate the voyeuristic act of seeing oneself reflected, while at the same time watching others. This overlay of experiences creates a focused dual perception amid a changing environment and/or audience. His work highlights the awkwardness that occurs when intimate moments or details are rudimentarily broadcast in an impersonal manner. The artist has described his pavilions as “producing a sense of uneasiness and psychological alienation through a constant play between feelings of inclusion and exclusion.”

Save the date: the two exhibitions will run during Brussels Art Days – 11 to 13 September.

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