Eye on Britain

The Aram Gallery presents charming and intriguing architectural models in their tenth edition of the Prototypes and Experiments exhibition series

With his new solo show, titled Superficies, the German artist tests the rich possibilities of the lampworking glass technique

The British painter delves deep into printmaking and sculpture for his solo exhibition at the Sims Reed Gallery in London

We spoke with Annie Warburton, the creative director of the Crafts Council, about the pieces, trends and artists to watch at this year’s International Fair for Contemporary Objects

The artist’s new show at the RIBA, ‘Conservatism, or the Long Reign of Pseudo Georgian Architecture,’ focuses on what he calls an “unloved” style

The Royal Opera House and the Victoria and Albert Museum have come together to devise a journey through four centuries of opera

With ‘Monochrome: Painting in Black and White,’ the National Gallery explores what happens when artists cast aside the colour spectrum

We spoke with Australian designer Brodie Neill about his recent installation at the ME London hotel, focused on the impact of human activity on ocean waste

The RIBA-chartered architect talks about the 2017 design market Detnk report —and advises future collectors where to look for sound investments in design collecting

In the London Design Festival exhibition, the Czech curator and researcher presented an archive of 350 images of custom-designed modernist gems

Faye Toogood mounted Trade Show during this year’s London Design Festival. Opting out of a traditional furniture fair model to launch her Spade Chair, the multi-talented British designer established a barter system with 50 of the UK’s leading creatives. The resulting showcase resembled a cabinet de curiosité.

The Berkeley Square fair is hosting 68 art and design galleries this year, starting tomorrow. We picked our favourites, from minuscule jewellery to historical pieces of furniture
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