Going Dutch

The Eindhoven museum presents a new sprawling exhibition featuring its own collection. Curators Christiane Berndes and Steven ten Thije discuss the role of its other custodian: the community.

For the 2017 edition of Dutch Design Week, Kiki van Eijk and Joost van Bleiswijk open up their studio and office space to the public with an exhibition titled The Tinkering Labs

Two projects by Charles Pétillon, Michiel de Greef and Dries van Wagenberg on view during the Dutch Design Week highlight the possibilities of Sunbrella fabrics

The Dutch duo collected wild sand from around the globe to highlight the upcoming scarcity of one of the most valuable —and yet underrated— resources for contemporary life

Six Netherlands-based artists and designers went to Arita, in Japan, for a porcelain residency. The results are showcased in New Radicals, an exhibition at this year’s Dutch Design Week.

Who is the new Mondrian? 100 years after the birth of De Stijl, two exhibitions during this year’s Dutch Design Week try to find an answer to that question.

Visiting most of the Dutch Design Week exhibitions is akin to stepping inside a DeLorean headed to 2037. But how did the more present-based displays fare in terms of audience response?

The exhibition, curated by Li Edelkoort and Philip Fimmano, focuses on design developments regarding sustainability and respect for the planet’s resources

The grand Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is going tiny, with a showcase of more than 60 pieces of Dutch micro-carving from the Middle Ages

Dutch Design Week kicked off on Saturday, and the event will bring thousands of designers — not to mention hundreds of thousands of visitors — to Eindhoven… Read more

In January 2016, Maison & Objet Paris will showcase a selection of six up-coming Nordic designer talents from all five Nordic countries.

Designer Jong Ha Choi transforms stools and small tables from 2D to 3D in his furniture collection entitled ‘De-Dimension.’
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