A single physical line links Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Travelling by train from one of these cities to another takes just a matter of hours and offers view after view of the same flat countryside. In TLmag’s 26th edition, and in it’s extended online pages, we focus on what these cities, and the designers that inhabit them, have meant in the past and what they can become.
TLmag 26 Extended: High & Low – Amsterdam – Paris – Brussels

By courtesy of Luster (www.luster.com)

By courtesy of Luster (www.luster.com)

These five creatives share a passion for creativity in all its many forms, with work ranging from furniture to lighting, hotel and restaurant renovations, luxury-brand scenography and clothing and accessory collections.

TLmag had a discussion with managing director David Caméo and museums director Olivier Gabet at the organisation’s offices facing Paris’ famous Jardin des Tuileries

OFFICE has created an installation that draws on the firm’s Mondrian-inspired, city grid scenography and evokes the original residence in the Spanish countryside

Roel Schoenmakers and Fiona Bell of Cascoland aim to transform the image of neglected city corners with grassroots design solutions and art interventions

TLmag visits the former residence and studio —now a museum— of one of the most celebrated figures in Belgian architecture

A conversation with MUDAM director Enrico Lunghi, who curated the institution’s vast retrospective on the unclassifiable Wim Delvoye

TLmag helps tell the story of a shunned visionary in this interview with Werner Adriaenssens, curator of the Royal Museums of Art and History

TLmag spoke to the Pompidou’s chief curator of design and industrial forecasting, Marie-Ange Brayer, about the incredible organisation.

De Stijl is 100 years old this year and its impact lives on in the Netherlands’ superb architecture, as can be seen in this selection by Eleonora Usseglio Prinsi.

Discussing recent projects with TLmag, Belgian architect Glenn Sestig reveals an architecture that is specific to the place and the moment.
All online editions
- America Today
- Architonic: Material Tendencies
- Art & Nature
- Art & Performance
- Art & Poetry
- Art & Therapy
- Austrian Showcase
- AW2 - Architecture Workshop
- Belgique - België
- Bio Art and Design
- Brussels Design September
- Brussels Gallery Weekend
- Cabinet Makers & Wood Sculptors
- Collectible Fair
- Contemporary Art Photography
- Contemporary Jewellery
- Design Miami Basel
- Dubai Design
- Dutch Design Week
- Earth and Clay
- Eye on Britain
- Focus on Brussels
- Focus on Finland
- Focus on Japan
- Focus on Mexico
- Focus on Miami
- Focus on Milan
- Focus on New York
- Focus on Paris
- Focus on Venice
- French Waves
- From East Asia
- Glass Is Tomorrow
- Going Dutch
- Human Cities
- Iberian Vibes
- Iconic Houses and Collectible Art/Design
- imm Cologne
- Latinoamericanísimo
- London Design Festival
- Made in Italy
- Madrid Design Festival
- Maison&Objet
- Marble & Stone
- MENA News
- Metal & Silver
- Milan Design Week
- NEARCH special edition
- Nordic News
- Sacre de la Matière
- Spazio Nobile Gallery
- Stellar Works
- Studio MVW
- Swiss Swish
- Textile Art & Weavers
- The German Scene
- TLmag 14 Extended: Objects of Desire
- TLmag 15 Extended: New Territories
- TLmag 16 Extended: New Asian Talent
- TLmag 18 Extended: Duo Design
- TLmag 19 Extended: Radical Design
- TLmag 23 Extended: Americas All That Jazz
- TLmag 24 Extended: From East Asia to Northern Europe
- TLmag 25 Extended: Alpine Creatives
- TLmag 26 Extended: High & Low – Amsterdam – Paris – Brussels
- TLmag 27 Extended: New New York
- TLmag 28 Extended: Asian Aesthetics
- TLmag 29 Extended: Afriques / Africas
- TLmag 30 Extended: Archæology Now!
- TLmag 31 Extended: Islands of Creation
- TLmag 32 Extended: Contemporary Applied
- TLmag 33 Extended: New Age of Humanism
- TLmag 34 Extended: Precious A Geology of Being
- TLmag 35 Extended: Tactile/Textile/Texture
- TLmag Extended Print Editions
- TLmag Istanbul
- TLmag Nasza Polska
- TLmag Norwegian Crafts
- TLmag Silver Edition
- TLmag Special Editions
- TLmag36 Extended: All is Landscape
- TLmag37 Extended: State of Gold
- TLmag38 Origin
- TLmag39 Extended:The Culture of the Object
- TLmag40:The Ideal Home
- Venice Biennale
- Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode
- West Coast
- Winter Forms / Spring Forms
- Women in Art, Design and Architecture